

#Communiqués Financiers

9-month revenue: +6.8% to €105.0 million

Continued growth

Bagnolet, October 30, 2013

Turnover (in M€) 2013 2012 Variation 2013 / 2012
1st quarter 37,1 36,7 + 1,1 %
2nd quarter 34,5 32,0 + 7,9 %
3rd quarter 33,3 29,5 + 7,9 %
– Services 31,7 28,3 + 11,9 %
– Softwares 1,6 1,2 + 36,1 %
Cumulative 9 months 105,0 98,2 + 6,8 %
– Services 98,7 92,9 + 6,2 %
– Softwares 6,3 5,3 + 18,5 %

Good performance in the first 9 months of fiscal 2013

Infotel reports revenue of €105.0 million for the first 9 months of the 2013 financial year, up 6.8% compared to the first 9 months of 2012.
This increase confirms the good direction of the activity, in line with the performance observed in the 2nd quarter of 2013.

Over 9 months, the cumulative revenue of the Services division (94% of total turnover), at €98.7 million, reflects the Group’s commercial dynamism with, during the 3rd quarter, new customer referrals in Paris and the region and the start of new activities in the field of mobility.
The period was also marked by the winning of new contracts in Europe such as Germany (Airbus), the Netherlands (European Patent Office – EPO) and Belgium (BNP Paribas).

The intercontract rate remains low, below 2%.

The Software division (6% of total revenue) posted revenue of €6.3 million over 9 months, up +18.5% compared to the same period in 2012, thanks to the good performance of the IBM royalty level. The Group is working on several calls for tenders of significant size in the field of archiving; however, the time frame for decision-making remains long.

Note that Infotel recently signed a partnership with Red Hat for its Arcsys archiving software.

Given this good level of activity, Infotel confirms the achievement of its 2013 annual objectives.

Next appointment:
Publication of annual turnover: January 29, 2014 (after stock exchange)

About Infotel

Listed on Compartment C of Euronext Paris since January 1999 (Isin code FR0000071797), Infotel is the specialist in key account management systems, from mobile to very large volume databases (Big Data). At the forefront of technological innovations, Infotel develops its expertise around two complementary areas of expertise: IT services and software publishing. With more than €134 million in turnover in 2012, Infotel has more than 1,500 employees.

Michel Koutchouk Co-founder